A Few months ago I painted the 3 troll figures for my Reptus army. The Group consists of 14944 Uru, the River Troll Chief, 14455 Uszkuluz Greyhide Troll Shaman, and 14008 River Troll. I like them visually as they look like some serious muscle. I've only used them in a few games but what I remember is that they do good against light infantry. All have regerneration 4 so if they are only taking light wounds they can stay in the game for a long time. Add in the shamans healing ability and the group has some staying power. thinking about adding another River Troll for a true wall of green muscle.
14944 Uru, the River Troll Chief
14008 River Troll
14455 Uszkuluz Greyhide Troll Shaman
- 09082 Jungle Moss
- Dry brush 09084 Pale Lichen
- 09070 Mahogany Brown
- 09071 Highlight Chestneut Brown
- wash Gw Devlan Mud