Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reaper bones 77174 Leisynn

This is from the bones kickstarter.  List price is 2.49, so it's hard to go wrong in that respect.  My first thought upon seeing this one was of Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  1. 29801 Crimson Red
  2. 09003 Blood Red
Vestment / Boot
  1. 09037 Pure Black
  2. 09088 Stormy Grey
  1. 09088 Stormy Grey
  2. 09089 Cloudy Grey
  3. 09090 Misty Grey
  1. Handle
    1. 09204 Half Orc Highlight
    2. Agrax Earth Shade
  2. Snake
    1. 29811 Turf Green
  1. Cover
    1. 29818 Nightsky Blue
    2. 09050 Antique Gold
    3. Nuln Oil Wash
  2. Pages
    1. 09143 Yellowed Bone
    2. Agrax Earth Shade
  1. 09143 Yellowed Bone
  2. Agrax Earth Shade
  1. 09143 Yellowed Bone
  2. Agrax Earth Shade

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