Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Reaper Bones Dungeon stuff 77138, 77139, 77136

I decided to paint up some dungeon scenery to prepare for an RPG

77138 Treasure
Treasure 77138
  1. Candle Sticks
    1. Base
      1. 29837 Armor Grey
      2. 09089 Cloudy Grey
      3. 09090 Misty Grey
    2. Candle Stick
      1. 09050 Antique Gold
      2. Nuln Oil
    3. Candle
      1. 09143 Yellowed Bone
      2. Agrax Earthshade
    4. Flame
      1. 09037 Pure Black
      2. 29801 Crimson Red
      3. 09003 Blood Red
      4. 29806 Fireball Orange
      5. 29809 Pale Saffron
  2. Treasure Chest
    1. Base 
      1. 29837 Armor Grey
      2. Dry Brush 9050 Antique Gold
    2. Chest
      1. Wood
        1. 29831 Ashen Brown
        2. Agrax Earthshade
      2. Metal
        1. 09053 Honed Steel
        2. Nuln Oil
77139 Altar of Evil
Altar of Evil 77139
  1. Stone
    1. 29837 Armor Grey
    2. 09089 Cloudy Grey
    3. 09090 Misty Grey
  2. Base
    1. 29801 Crimson Red
    2. 09003 Blood Red
  3. Skulls
    1. 09143 yellowed Bone
    2. Agrax Earthshade
77136 Well of Chaos

Well of Chaos 77136
  1. Stone
    1. 29837 Armor Grey
    2. 09089 Cloudy Grey
    3. 09090 Misty Grey
  2. Face
    1. 29801 Crimson Red
    2. 09003 Blood Red
    3. 29806 Fireball Orange
    4. 29809 Pale Saffron
  3. Trim
    1. 09665 Clockwork Brass
    2. 09253 Flesh Wash

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