Sunday, August 31, 2014

Reptus Catch up post

Looking at my reptus army I have several units that never made it up on the Blog.  Either I painted them at a time when I was not blogging or just missed them somehow.  This post is for the pictures of the models I missed.

14493 Dragon Turtle

14454 Chhaya

03272 Spikeshell Warrior

14483 Clutchling Javeliner 

14442 Gam Nan Gaan Hor Elder

Reaper Reptus 14096 T'kay, Reptus Cleric

Time to finally finish up some of the Reptus models I've had for a couple of years.

  1. 09070 Mahogany Brown
  2. 09071 Chestnut Brown
  3. 09072 Rust Brown
  1. 09082 Jungle Moss
  2. 09083 Highlands Moss
  3. 09084 Pale Lichen
  1. 09143 Yellowed Bone
  2. GW Agrax EarthShade
  1. 09079 Deep Amethyst
  2. 09080 Indigo Sky
  3. 09081 Pale Indigo
    1. 09110 Oiled Leather
    2. GW Agrax EarthShade
    1. 09204 Half Orc Highlight
    2. 9050 Antique Gold
    3. GW Agrax EarthShade
    1. 09143 Yellowed Bone
    2. GW Agrax EarthShade
    3. 29801 Crimson Red
    4. 09003 Blood Red

    Reaper Bones 77024 Goblin with Spear and Shield

    8 more goblins this time with a Spear and Shield

    1. 29811 Turf Green Base
    2. 09034 Muddy Olive Mid
    3. 09035 Olive Green Highlight
    Armor/Wood on Shield
    1. 09110 Oiled Leather
    2. Agrax Earthshade
    Metal Armor and Mace
    1. 09053 Honed Steel
    2. Nuln Oil
    1. 09037 Pure Black
    2. 09089 Cloudy Grey
    1. 09089 Cloudy Grey
    2. 09090 Misty Grey

    Reaper Bones 77024 Goblin with Mace

    8 more goblins this time with a mace and shield

    1. 29811 Turf Green Base
    2. 09034 Muddy Olive Mid
    3. 09035 Olive Green Highlight
    Armor/Wood on Shield
    1. 09110 Oiled Leather
    2. Agrax Earthshade
    Metal Armor and Mace
    1. 09053 Honed Steel
    2. Nuln Oil
    1. 09037 Pure Black
    2. 09089 Cloudy Grey
    1. 09089 Cloudy Grey
    2. 09090 Misty Grey

    Reaper Bones 77045: Orc Hunter

    Finishing up my black Orcs with the last 2 hunters.

    1. 29811 Turf Green Base
    2. 09034 Muddy Olive Mid
    3. 09035 Olive Green Highlight
    1. 09053 Honed Steel
    2. 09050 Antique Gold
    3. 09665 Clockwork Brass
    4. Nuln Oil
    1. 09110 Oiled Leather
    2. 09109 Ruddy Leather
    3. 29831 Ashen Brown
    4. Agrax Earthshade